Anahata is the heart space, the gateway of connection. Connection to Self, connection to others, and connection to nature. Anahata is the frequency of love, a tonic created from the heart for the heart.
Sati is awareness. Awareness of the present moment and our ever-changing needs. With awareness we can see what is being shown to us through our skin and begin to investigate, with kindness and compassion, what it is we truly need.
Thea is the Goddess of the garden. The work of the bees, the wisdom from trees, and the full expression of nature through her blossoms. Together, all in harmony. Nothing but nature.
Bardo is the space in between, the void, the pause between two breaths. Take rest in the bardo — the moment between what was and what will be. Carve out this space to simply listen, to be with the body and breathe.
Hā is the breath. Our life force and anchor point into the present moment. Simply by being attentive to the breath we can call our power back, knowing that where our awareness goes our energy goes too.
Sola is the very centre of our being, our source of light and connection. Tuning into the breath and the inner movement it creates, we become attentive to the physical body within the present moment. It's here we find our anchor and from this place of connection, begin anew.