Aromatology by Keely Watson

My experience as a Facialist spans two decades and has gifted me the insight and wisdom that naturally arises from the intimacy of one-on-one work. 

It was my philosophy and holistic approach towards skin health that instinctively drew me into the plant realm through the study of aromatic science. With a deep reverence for plants and respect for our innate healing capacity, the Aromatology concept and range of products was born. 


It’s no surprise I ended up down this path. 

As a young girl I have fond memories of foraging for wild flowers and plants from the native New Zealand bush which was my backyard. Once I’d gathered what I needed, my inquisitive nature would take over, stuffing fern fronds or entire stems of forget-me-nots into tiny glass bottles, adding a dash of water and a pinch of dirt to create all sorts of magical lotions and potions. I'd set each aside on a shelf to infuse for days, the curious young alchemist in me excited to smell the results.  

Needless to say, my blending technique has been well refined since those early years, yet my child-like curiosity still remains. My foraging nature extends around the world, while embracing all that our beautiful land has to offer.


Created with heart, formulated with wisdom, blended with intuition — this is Aromatology. 

Welcome! Lets connect.

Aromatology is my hearts-work and I'm ​deeply grateful to have you here on this journey.